Data Protection.
LOS POZOS DE DAIMIEL SOC.COOP. DE CLM., with permanent address in C/ HERREROS, S/N POL. IND. SEPES, 13250, Daimiel (Ciudad Real) informs that the information you provided through this communication may be recorded in our database for any business communication and/or data collection purpose. You may exercise the access, rectification, cancellation and opposition rights at any time, according to the Law 15/1999.
The content of this communication, as well as any other attached document, is intended to be confidential and exclusively used by the addressee. In case you may receive this email not being its addressee, please notify it by replying this message and proceeding to delete it. The use of both the transmitter and the addressee's address with a commercial aim, or in order to be incorporated to automated files, is not authorized.